Smart Battery Monitor 2.1 Apk Download For Android

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 09 Juli 2013 0 komentar
Smart Battery Monitor is a free Android application that displays the battery details. It shows the battery status expressed as a percentage on the status bar (optional). The application can also be customized with additional themes. Themes will be distributed as additional Android applications on the Android market. The Smart Battery Monitor has been rewarded by Android magazine with 4 out of 5 stars!

Smart Battery Monitor apkSmart Battery Monitor apk

NOTICE: As far as I know Motorola devices only support battery level changes in 10% steps. This is not a bug in the Smart Battery Monitor app. It is a system limitation of the manufacturer.

Developer : Andreas Auer
Smart Battery Monitor requires Android 2.1 and up.
Category : Tools

Go to for the official site Smart Battery Monitor apk from google play.

Download Smart Battery Monitor 2.1 Apk

Judul: Smart Battery Monitor 2.1 Apk Download For Android
Ditulis oleh Unknown
Rating Blog 5 dari 5
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